My Learning Styles

Today, we started learning about Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory which describes the different ways we learn and acquire information. We did a survey to see what our strongest learning styles might be.

I found that I am strong in Naturalist, Musical and Intrapersonal. We will be using this information in our learning, this term.


Next time, I will share more information about my learning styles.

Subordinating Conjunctions

Today we have been learning about the subordinating conjunctions if and when.

These are my examples:

  • If the Jenga blocks fall, I will pick them all up as fast as I can.
  • When the blocks fall, our game is over.
  • When I have finished my blog post, I will share it by publishing it.
  • If I finish my blog post, I will have time to create another one.

Kia Tau

Say and Sing

This term, we are learning to say and sing the karakia, Kia Tau. For a number of years, we have been really confident when singing it but struggle to say it. This has been the case for staff too so there is some good learning for all of us.

Finding a video of the waiata version was quite difficult so we decided to make our own so all of our classes can learn it.

This video is the first take and the quality isn’t as good as we would like and there are a couple of words that we need to pronounce better so we will work on that.

Waitangi Wonderings

This year, we started school the day before Waitangi Day. As part of our Learn Create Share pedagogy, we had a hub brainstorm session to see what we already know about Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Waitangi Day.

To gather our ideas, we created a MindMup to show our current ideas. After we did some more learning, we added our new learning to the MindMup.

Our next step is to add nodes and elaborate on the facts we have learned.

The grey boxes are from our first day and the yellow boxes are from a session a couple of days later.

Waitangi MindMup

The Blue Zone

Zones of Regulation – Our Week Two PB4L Focus

Here is part of our learning for our Values focus, the Zones of Regulation. We started refreshing our minds about the Blue Zone.

Our next step is to refresh ourselves about the other zones.

Kairo – King of the Kahoot!

Mihimihi Quiz

In Week One of Term Two, Te Ara Angitu used a Kahoot! to check in on our knowledge of keywords used in our mihi.  The questions were:

The podium for this week is:

Our next step for this area of learning is to have all of our hub improve on their first attempt by having another go of this Kahoot!

Right On

Doing the Right Thing at the Right Time

Today we looked at our value for this week by identifying situations and times throughout the school day when we need to show our Value of doing the right thing at the right time and place.

This is a collection of our ideas:


Words From Kid President

Things We Should Say More Often

To finish our week of focusing on the value of Use Kind Words and Actions, we watched a YouTube clip from an old favourite, Kid President.  In this clip, he lists 20 things we should say more often.  (The patero part got a few laughs).

We then created a list of some of the things we think we should say more often and students chose their top five to record in their Topics books.

Our next step is to create opportunities to say these things to each other.

These are our ideas:



Zones of Regulation Review

The Zones of Regulation are used to help us regulate our emotions in order to be in the best space for learning.  To start 2023, we did a hub brainstorm to see what we already know about the zones.

This is what we came up with:

Our next step is to be able to explain what strategies we can use and use them in our daily lives.