Right On

Doing the Right Thing at the Right Time

Today we looked at our value for this week by identifying situations and times throughout the school day when we need to show our Value of doing the right thing at the right time and place.

This is a collection of our ideas:


6 thoughts on “Right On

  1. Talofa Lava!!!

    This is really nice to remind students to do the right thing. Hopefully we do these things.

  2. Good morning,
    Great thinking of doing the right thing at the right time in the right place. This world can be better if we change our attitude, our mind and our thoughts, the world can’t be like this forever, something or someone has to do about it.

  3. Hello!!
    This google drawing about doing the right thing at the right time is amazing and all these things on this Google drawing are good to do if you want to be on time, and this is good to tell students how to be doing the right thing at the right time.

    – sophira

  4. I agree with what you think. The world would be a whole lot better if all the people in the world actually did this, I also like the shapes of where you put the messages.

  5. yeah, I love the things you put in the being on time things like the Things good morning and Talofa Lava Nice Writing.

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