Words From Kid President

Things We Should Say More Often

To finish our week of focusing on the value of Use Kind Words and Actions, we watched a YouTube clip from an old favourite, Kid President.  In this clip, he lists 20 things we should say more often.  (The patero part got a few laughs).

We then created a list of some of the things we think we should say more often and students chose their top five to record in their Topics books.

Our next step is to create opportunities to say these things to each other.

These are our ideas:



13 thoughts on “Words From Kid President

  1. “Here have a hot dog”.

  2. Talofa lava!
    I love Kid President ( not in a weird way ). He is very very funny and actually has some great advice. I think we should watch more of him in class lessons.
    Tofa Soifua… From Kylah

  3. Talofa lava,
    The Kid President is really funny, maybe we should listen to him! We could do this too? Maybe in another time though.

  4. Kia ora Angitu it’s me Maddi, I really like this post it will help a lot of people that don’t know what to say to others that is kind. Kid president is really funny too that is a good thing to have in a blog post. I have a question for you. Why did you decide to do kid president?
    Signing out Maddi.

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