Voki Times

This week we have been learning how to use Voki as a tool for consolidating and sharing our learning.  In Numeracy, we used Voki to show our timestables learning.  This slide has a few examples of our first attempts.

Voki Time

To consolidate our learning of our current timestables and to learn a new creative tool, we used Voki to share our learning.  We also had to add in encouraging sentences to make our Voki more interesting for our audience.

Once our Voki were created, we used Screencastify to record it.

Here is Miss Waho’s example:


Simple Strategies for Sanity

This week for Values, we have been learning about the Zones of Regulation and the strategies we can use to help us regulate ourselves when we lose control of our emotions.

This Google Drawing shows some of my ideas about the things I can do to help be calm and relaxed.

For us, our next step is to show and use these strategies instead of letting our emotions get away on us.

Do you know of any other way to help keep calm and happy?