My Learning Styles

Today, we started learning about Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory which describes the different ways we learn and acquire information. We did a survey to see what our strongest learning styles might be.

I found that I am strong in Naturalist, Musical and Intrapersonal. We will be using this information in our learning, this term.


Next time, I will share more information about my learning styles.

Blog Revamp

Kia ora e te whānau.

Our Year 6 ākonga have had a revamp and tidy up of their blogs. Hopefully, they will be easier to view and navigate around and the students enjoy using them.

Here are some examples of our new theme, called Something Fishy.

Inside Out Writing


This is my writing from Week 8:

Characters Bing Bong is a pink elephant that is normally very happy, Joy is happy out right but some themes annoying Sadness is a crybaby and turns people in to cry babies, and Rylie.

Pink writing is Bing Bong blue writing is sadness, and the yellow writing is Joy.

Info about what is happening 

Bing  Bong had a rocket racer and the rocket racer carried memories with Rylie, but the rocket racer was going into the dump well. The dump is just a deep black hole.

 One time there was a girl named Rylie. She had lots of memories but the memories started to disappear but they had a special one and there mission was to save that memory. She knew an elephant called Bing Bong, but little did she know, Bing Bong knew her emotions. Joy, Sadness, disgust , fear and anger.

Bing Bong and Riley had a trip planned to fly to the moon on Bing Bong’s rocket racker.

 In Riley’s brain, there was a dump and the rocket racker went into the dump a big black hole.  It just went down and more down by the second Bing Bong was so sad he started to cry Candy Yum Then Joy tried to cheer him up she tickled him and made a funny (and spitted everywhere). She tried everything in her power to make him happy again. But then something that nobody would ever expect sadness jumped in and said I am sorry they took something you loved. It’s gone. “Sadness don’t make him feel worse.  I’m sorry. It’s all I had left of Rylie. I bet you and Rylie had great adventures. Oh, they were wonderful. We even had breakfast twice a day because we time-traveled. Uh, sadness.  That sounds amazing. Well, I bet that Rylie liked it.  

Oh, she did, we were best friends. Yeah, it’s sad. I’m okay now. Over here  the train station this way. Let’s go save Rylie I am with you Bing Bong and me to said sadness.

Cultural Celebrations Day

On Tuesday, we had a great day of celebrating our cultures and International Languages Week. In the morning, we created a digital learning object to share about our cultures. Later, we had time to share in groups. Some people shared to the whole hub too.

At lunchtime, we had the best lunch buffet ever. Parents brought in some food for us to share which was delicious.

In the afternoon, we had performances from students to celebrate and share their culture.

This is my DLO.


Subordinating Conjunctions

Today we have been learning about the subordinating conjunctions if and when.

These are my examples:

  • If the Jenga blocks fall, I will pick them all up as fast as I can.
  • When the blocks fall, our game is over.
  • When I have finished my blog post, I will share it by publishing it.
  • If I finish my blog post, I will have time to create another one.