Taki Rua

A Powerful Performance

It was such a treat and an awesome experience taking a small group of students to the Air Force Museum where we watch Taki Rua Kaupapa Māori Performing Arts.

Taki Rua presents the FNZ national tour of

Hatupatu | Kurungaituku : A Forbidden Love.

A story of survival and love between the young Te Arawa warrior Hatupatu and the unique bird woman that is Kurungaituku.

Combining breathtaking aerials, kapa haka and an immersive multi-media performance environment, the predominantly standing audience will experience the bird realm of Rotorua fly over their heads.

Life Education

Harold Is Back

We have all been very excited this week because the Life Education van has brought Harold back to us.

We are learning about the brain and how it works and controls what we do. Check out the individual student blogs to see more details.

Week 3 Fish! Tickets

In Week 2, we realised from looking at our pie chart from Class Dojo, that our Play value didn’t have as many Fish! tickets given as our other three values. In Week 3, we focused on recognising when students were giving things a go and enjoying their learning.

When we checked in to see how we were going, we were pleased to see that the pie chart was looking a lot more balanced.

Angitu Expectations

To start off the new year, we co created a list of expectations so we can all be happy, calm, safe and experience optimal learning. We made lists of the things we need and what we don’t need. Some really good ideas were shared.

Later, we had a discussion about what good work habits look and sound like.

Check out our ideas:

Our next step is to show what we know!

Terrific Times Tables Journey

Kia ora koutou.

At the start of 2023, I was on my 3x Tables. I have worked pretty hard this year and now I am on the ➗ 4.

In our hub we work on the times tables in this order:

x2, x5, x10, x3, x4, x6, x7, x8, x9, x11, x12. We do the same order for division.

Here is an example of some of my online work:

My goal is: to be on ➗8 by the end of the year.