Taki Rua

A Powerful Performance

It was such a treat and an awesome experience taking a small group of students to the Air Force Museum where we watch Taki Rua Kaupapa Māori Performing Arts.

Taki Rua presents the FNZ national tour of

Hatupatu | Kurungaituku : A Forbidden Love.

A story of survival and love between the young Te Arawa warrior Hatupatu and the unique bird woman that is Kurungaituku.

Combining breathtaking aerials, kapa haka and an immersive multi-media performance environment, the predominantly standing audience will experience the bird realm of Rotorua fly over their heads.

17 thoughts on “Taki Rua

  1. it was so cool to watch and bc I didn’t have to learn but when I got back I did. But I really did like it very interesting to watch that performance I think it would have been iconic if they kissed but they didn’t 🙁 but it was amazing.

  2. That was amazing thank you for taking me you are the best teacher ever. I loved how the bird woman was doing a handstand on the cage it was the best performance ever.

  3. Kia Ora!
    This performance was spectacular, I enjoyed it so much and I would love to do something like this in the future. The Bird Woman flying was super cool! Maybe arrange the pictures better, but I LOVED the way you described the show – Kelsea

  4. Oh my gosh.. I loved this performance! It was so fun and spectacular! I enjoyed every single part of it. Maybe arrange the pictures a bit better. I loved this performance so much! It was super duper fun to see the bird-woman fly! I can’t believe that you let me see that performance it was AMAZING! Thank you for letting me go to the performance with all of my friends! Thank you<3! -Adara

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